aleraSoft videos

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Part 1 aleraSoft videos on Energy & the Environment


"Energy and aleraSoft- alera news - 7. edition 2019"

"Energy and climate change - alera news - 6. edition 2019"


"Quo vadis boiler manufacturer - alera news - 5. edition 2016"

"TWINFLUID combustion system - alera news - 4. edition 2015"

"What to do with all the sewage sludge? - alera news - 3. edition 2015"

"Is man made CO2 the problem? - alera news - 2. edition 2015"


Part 2 aleraSoft Tutorials


The EXCEL samples used in the Videos can be downloaded here


1.0.0 Basics


1.1.0 Introduction to aleraSoft (2 min. 10 sec.)

 1.2.0 Program Installation (1 min. 42 sec.)

 1.3.0 Get a License (2 min. 55 sec.)


2.0.0 Settings


 2.1.0 Excel and aleraSoft (2 min. 30sec)

 2.1.1 Excel Cell Protection and Input validation (2 min. 17 sec.)


 2.2.0 Error handling and troubleshooting (2 min. 20 sec.)

 2.3.0 Language Settings (1min. 30 sec.)


3.0.0 Building thermal Models


3.0.1 The aleraSoft Toolboxes - Basic Principles (2 min. 15 sec.)


3.1.0 Make basic thermal Models

3.1.1 Fuel Box & Fuel Mix Box (3 min. 4 sec.)
3.1.2 Combustion Box (2min. 17 sec.)
3.1.3 Heat Exchanger (2min. 38 sec.)
3.1.4 Feed Water & Steam Boiler (3 min. 41 sec.)


3.2.0 Advanced Models

3.2.1 Flue Gas Exit Temperature Automation (3 min. 33 sec.)
3.2.2 Gas Split & Mix & Flue Gas Recirculation (3 min. 34 sec.)
3.2.3 Manual Gas Design & Gas Heat User (3 min. 28 sec.)

3.2.4 Air Preheater (3min. 38 sec.)


3.3.0 Advanced Steam Models

3.3.1 Steam Split & Mix - Boiler & Turbines (8 min. 50 sec.)


3.4.0 Special Info


4.0.0 Example Projects


 4.1.0 Basic Systems

4.1.1 Particle Board Factory Energy Plant (4 min. 13 sec.)
4.1.2 Coal fired saturated steam boiler in US Imp units (3 min. 21 sec.)


4.2.0 Advanced Systems


 4.3.0 Video demonstration on FAQ

5.0.0 Extras


 5.1.0 Unit conversion (2 min. 15 sec.)

6.0.0 Version Updates & New Features 


 6.1.0 Version 1.0.22 Emission / Steam Turbine isentropic Efficiency

Gas Turbine Compressor Pressure ratio  (5 min. 12 sec.)


6.1.1 Version 1.0.25 New Fuel Heating Value Formulas  (4 min. 40 sec.)


6.1.2 Version 1.0.27 Humidity in Gas and Acid Dewpoint (2 min. 11 sec.)


6.1.3 Version 2.0.2  kxA Module and APH air preheater full boiler example (13 min.)